- expansion work
- работа расширения
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
expansion work — plėtimosi darbas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Sistemos darbas prieš išorinį slėgį. atitikmenys: angl. expansion work vok. Ausdehnungsarbeit, f; Expansionsarbeit, f rus. работа расширения, f pranc. travail de détente … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
expansion work — plėtimosi darbas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. expansion work vok. Ausdehnungsarbeit, f; Dehnungsarbeit, f; Expansionsarbeit, f rus. работа расширения, f pranc. travail d’expansion, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
expansion work — plėtimosi darbas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Sistemos darbas prieš išorinį slėgį. atitikmenys: angl. expansion work rus. работа расширения … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Expansion Draft — ist ein Begriff aus dem US amerikanischen Sport und bezeichnet das Verfahren der Ligaaufstockung. Dies geschieht entweder durch die Eröffnung neuer Franchises oder durch die Aufnahme von Mannschaften aus anderen Ligen. Eine Möglichkeit die neuen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
work in progress — UK US noun (US also work in process) ► [C or U] something that is being developed or suggested but that is not yet complete: »The Senate Minority Leader described the team reorganization as a work in progress . be (still)/remain a work in… … Financial and business terms
Expansion plans for Milton Keynes — In January 2004, Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott announced[1] the United Kingdom government s Expansion plans for Milton Keynes He proposed that the population of Milton Keynes (ceremonially Buckinghamshire) should double in the subsequent 20 … Wikipedia
Expansion chamber — An Expansion chamber is an exhaust system used on a two stroke cycle engine to enhance its power output by improving its volumetric efficiency. It makes use of the energy left in the burnt exhaust exiting the cylinder to aid the filling of the… … Wikipedia
expansion */*/ — UK [ɪkˈspænʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms expansion : singular expansion plural expansions 1) [uncountable] the process of increasing in size and filling more space damage caused to buildings through the expansion and contraction of timbers 2)… … English dictionary
work, history of the organization of — Introduction history of the methods by which society structures the activities and labour necessary to its survival. work is essential in providing the basic physical needs of food, clothing, and shelter. But work involves more than the use … Universalium
Work breakdown structure — A work breakdown structure or WBS is a tree structure, that permits summing of subordinate costs for tasks, materials, etc., into their successively higher level “parent” tasks, materials, etc. It is a fundamental tool commonly used in project… … Wikipedia
expansion — ex|pan|sion [ ık spænʃən ] noun ** 1. ) uncount the process of increasing in size and filling more space: damage caused to buildings through the expansion and contraction of timbers 2. ) uncount the process of making a business, organization, or… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English